Friday, August 22, 2008

Animals - Pronghorns Gallery Photos & Wallpapers

Both male and female pronghorns have characteristic two-pointed horns, which are composed of keratin growing over a bony center; the hair-like part of the horn sheds annually.
Pronghorns Gallery Photos

Where it is found
In Canada the pronghorns live on the grasslands of southwestern Saskatchewan and southeastern Alberta.

They also roam the grasslands and desert-like areas of western United States.

Pronghorns Gallery Photos


Animals - Pronghorns Gallery Wallpapers
Animals - Pronghorns Gallery Wallpapers

Animals - Pronghorns Gallery Wallpaper
Animals - Pronghorns Gallery Wallpaper

Pronghorns graze in herds on the grasslands of western North America. They are one of the fastest land animals, sprinting at speeds up to 40 miles per hour, leaving predators in their dust.


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